12 Months in Essex
Friday 24th January

Join us for a preview of a film documenting 12 months in the studio of landscape painter Simon Carter. We will be screening January-April, the first four months of the film which has been filmed and edited by Noah Carter. Simon and Noah will be talking about the process afterwards in a Q&A.

Simon and Noah met once a month over a period of 12 months to record what was going on with Simon's work. They met at 7am at Beaumont Quay, filming in the landscape and then later in the studio. They set up the cameras each day and left them on, observing Simon's working practice and the digressions of studio work. Noah will edit these many hours of footage into a film that traces the monthly progress of a full year's work. It will feature an original soundtrack commissioned from Karl Bielik, artist, director of Terrace Gallery and founder of the band Lark. 

Tickets are £5 for the screening and talk. Book here.
Film time, 40 mins, followed by a Q&A with the artists and filmmaker.

Find out more about the project and watch an excerpt here

12 Month in Essex, the book, is available here: 


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