Walton Flax Exchange
Walton Flax Exchange NETbook
Shane Waltener, Emma Eagle, Merlin Nova.
Published by PrintRoom with Publishing Household
This NETbook documents the Walton Flax Exchange, a flax to fibre project initiated by artist Shane Waltener. Using flax, grown and harvested in Walton, the exhibition at The Nose, Essex, displayed the processing of the locally grown flax crops from plant to linen, introducing the idea of soil-to-soil clothing made from fabric which is entirely compostable. Shane exhibited Flax tools and sculptures in the project space which were interwoven with public demonstrations, talks and performances, inviting other practitioners and members of the public to skill exchange and share knowledge on the subject. This booklet includes documentation of the project sharing knowledge about how to turn flax to fibre. It includes an article by Emma Eagle about local plants and dyes found on The Naze, and a visual score from a Processing Flax’ composition by Merlin Nova from a performance with Shane Waltener.
NETbooks are a series of booklets which take self-publishing as a starting point for other self-reliance projects. They are made by a small group of artists and participants, often after a collaborative exercise or workshop, and then printed and distributed via like-minded small publishers using their Risograph facilities. This book was printed at PrintRoom’s Risograph studio in Rotterdam.
Join us this Sunday 14 May at Offprint London for a talk about our new NETbook Walton Flax Exchange. Artist Shane Waltener will be talking with Karin (PrintRoom) and Eleanor (The Nose/ Publishing Household) about turning flax into linen, natural plant dyeing, and community and publishing collaborations. We will be talking in the McAuley Studio in the Tate Modern at 10.45 until 11.15, then join us at our book table afterwards.
Offprint book fair opens this Friday 12 May from 2pm until 7pm, then open Saturday and Sunday from 10am until 6pm. PrintRoom and Publishing Household are sharing a table in the Turbine Hall, Tate Modern and we would love to see you there